FREE Health Family and Friends Support Blog

Right now, there’s a family facing a devastating health situation that needs the support, healing and connection a CaringBridge community provides. But they don’t know about CaringBridge. If you know someone facing cancer, pregnancy complications, or a serious injury, tell them about CaringBridge today. They will be so thankful.

Living well on any one income. How to Save Money And Stay Home With Your Kids.

We dropped Dish Network to be more SMASHing

This blog is here to help you find deals to Save Money And Stay Home with your kids.

How much money do you spend on TV each year? How much of an ungodly world are you letting into your home from the TV? Well when we added up our Dish Network bill it was enough money to make an extra mortage payment a year if we cut out Dish Network and we were convicted by our Pastor Dr. Bill Henard's sermon this week to not live Like The World. So now we are FREE of the Dish Network bill.

But don't worry there is more than one way to skin a cat (old Eastern Kentucky saying) and there is always a better way.

Redbox has FREE movie codes all the time.
Get your FREE Redbox movie today only.

You can watch tons of over the air FREE HD TV. The HD is better off of our antenna than it ever was with Dish Network. Who knew??

Watch TV on your computer.

At the end of the day I can Save Money And Stay Home with my kids because I do little things everyday like drop Dish Network. What can you do to live less Like The World?

Living well on any one income. How to Save Money And Stay Home With Your Kids.